General Conditions of Sale

These general conditions of sale are concluded between, on the one hand:

ASSE PRODUCTS Limited liability company with capital of €400,000 euros
Head office: 6 rue Paul et Pierre Guichard - 42000 SAINT-ETIENNE

registered with the RCS of SAINT ETIENNE under number 794 055 392

Hereinafter referred to as “BOUTIQUE DES VERTS”.

And, on the other hand, Internet users who wish to make a purchase on the site hereinafter referred to as “the Customer”.

These conditions govern the sale of any product presented on the "Boutique ASSE" website by the company ASSE PRODUCTS. The parties agree that their relations will be exclusively governed by this contract, to the exclusion of any other condition. The items are only offered for sale to non-commercial individuals. They are concluded intuitu personae and cannot therefore be the subject of any transfer, of any nature whatsoever. Any order duly validated on the BOUTIQUE ASSE website implies total and unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale and, possibly, of the special or specific conditions for one or more products or orders.


These conditions aim to define the reciprocal obligations of the parties as well as the different stages of the ordering process.


BOUTIQUE ASSE is a site which aims to offer for sale clothing, shoes and accessories related to sport.

The photographs illustrating the products presented are not contractual, they are for information purposes only.
Consequently, ASSE PRODUCTS cannot be held liable in the event of an error in one of these photographs .
has made sure that these photographs are as realistic as possible but suggests that our customers read the product descriptions carefully.

The items visible on the site are available while stocks last for the item or the different sizes.

In the event of a validated order for a product or item that has become unavailable due to a stock error, BOUTIQUE ASSE undertakes to reimburse the customer for the amount of the order within 14 days for payment by credit card.
In all cases, BOUTIQUE ASSE undertakes to notify by email any customer who has ordered an unavailable item.


3.1 - Prices are presented in euros for the French-language site.

3.2 - The VAT included is the French VAT at the rate in force for the products concerned. If the VAT rate were to be modified, these changes may be reflected in the price of the items without the customer being informed in advance. For shipments to countries outside the European Union, VAT will be deducted from the prices invoiced, but payment of customs fees will be requested upon delivery.

3.3 - Delivery will be made within 3 to 5 working days from receipt of the order, excluding any unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure which would delay delivery beyond the control and diligence of BOUTIQUE ASSE.

3.4 - The rates, for information purposes, are as follows: Metropolitan France, Corsica and Monaco: €4.50 in relay points, €5.90 at home. Other destinations: rates vary depending on the area.


4.1 - The customer interested in an item visible on the BOUTIQUE ASSE website follows the following process in order to place his order. After clicking on the "Add to cart" icon and after checking the specifics of his order (color, quantity, price, etc.), the customer validates the choice of the selected product(s) by clicking. He then enters his contact details (which will be pre-filled on his next visit) with the following mandatory information: title, surname, first name, full delivery address, email and telephone number. Delivery and invoicing to different addresses are accessible via check boxes that display new forms. When the customer clicks on the "Validate" button, he accesses the summary of his order where all the information is recalled. If the customer benefits from a special offer, he must first enter a code that will have been assigned to him in the field provided for this purpose.

4.2 - Payment methods: the customer has the option to pay by credit card either directly on the site or by telephone. After validating their payment method, the customer definitively and irrevocably validates their order with the effects indicated below. Payment by credit card on the site The Customer validates their address, the product and the total price. They provide their credit card number associated with the expiry date. They finally validate their order by clicking on the "Validate" button. This validation constitutes a sale and irrevocably binds the parties. Order by telephone The Customer who orders by telephone calls customer service on 04 77 74 76 80 (non-premium rate call) and provides the operator with the specifics of their order, their credit card number and its expiry date. The provision of this information validates the sale between the parties.

4.3 – In all cases, whatever the payment method chosen by the customer, BOUTIQUE ASSE will acknowledge receipt of the order upon its validation by email or by any other means at its convenience.


5.1 - In order to ensure payment security, the BOUTIQUE ASSE website uses Shopify Payments secure payment services. These services integrate the SSL security standard. Confidential data (the 16-digit bank card number and the expiration date) are directly transmitted encrypted on the SIPS server without passing through the physical media of the BOUTIQUE ASSE server.

5.2 - When the bank details are validated: The secure telepayment manager sends an authorization request to the bank card network. The telepayment manager issues an electronic certificate.

5.3 – ASSE PRODUCTS does not save our customers’ credit card details.


6.1 - For items covered by a guarantee (Hi-Tech products, watches, weather stations), if your product breaks down, please contact our customer service so that we can repair, replace or refund it, as appropriate.

6.2 - All items visible on the BOUTIQUE ASSE website can be exchanged or refunded, with the exception of personalized items.
The period during which the customer can request an exchange or exercise his right of withdrawal is 30 days from the date of receipt of the item(s).
The item must be returned in its original condition, if it is a textile product, it must have only been worn for the purpose of trying it on.

6.3 - The return of the item(s) within this period is done via the online platform .

6.4 - In the specific case of orders voluntarily left pending and therefore returned to ASSE PRODUCTS, processing fee of 10 euros will be retained from the total amount of the refund to be made. Packages returned to us by the transport providers charging for this service.


7.1 - For any payment by credit card on the BOUTIQUE ASSE website, the electronic certificate issued by the telepayment manager will constitute proof of the amount and date of the transaction, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 1316 et seq. of the Civil Code and the electronic archiving methods implemented by BOUTIQUE ASSE. In this regard, the date and time of the server will be valid between the parties.

7.2 - In all cases, validation of the order, whether payment is made by bank card directly on the site or by telephone, constitutes signature and express acceptance of all operations carried out on the site.

7.3 - On the other hand, the due date of the sums due is that referred to in article 4.2 according to the type and method of payment.


In order to facilitate the identification of the Customer, the Customer expressly authorizes BOUTIQUE ASSE to place on the customer's hard drive a file called a "cookie" whose sole purpose is to facilitate said identification. The customer who refuses the deposit of such a file on his hard drive must proceed with each order to the complete completion of the order validation forms.


9.1 - For all stages of access to the site, consultation, filling out forms, placing an order, delivery of items or any other service, the company ASSE PRODUCTS has only an obligation of means.

9.2 - Consequently, ASSE PRODUCTS cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet and totally external to the diligence and precautions taken by ASSE PRODUCTS. In particular, any disruption in the provision of the service, or any external intrusion or presence of a computer virus, cannot engage the liability of ASSE PRODUCTS.

9.3 - Likewise, any event qualified as force majeure within the meaning of the case law of the Court of Cassation, completely exonerates ASSE PRODUCTS from any liability.


10.1 - BOUTIQUE ASSE, for the needs of the service, reserves the right to collect personal data relating to users of the site, in particular by means of "cookies" referred to in article 8. For this purpose, the BOUTIQUE ASSE site is declared to the CNIL under number 717965.

10.2 - BOUTIQUE ASSE also reserves the right to commercially transfer the data it has collected on its site. 10.3 - In all cases, and in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, any user or customer of the site may at any time oppose the commercial use of said data and also benefits from a right of access, rectification and deletion of data concerning them. All requests relating to this article must be sent by email using the site's contact form.


ASSE PRODUCTS declares that it has elected domicile at the address indicated at the top of this document.


12.1 All elements of the BOUTIQUE ASSE website, whether visual or audio, including the underlying technology, are protected by copyright, trademarks or patents. They are the exclusive property of ASSE PRODUCTS.

12.2 - The user who has a personal website and who wishes to place, for personal use, on his site a simple link directly referring to the Homepage of the BOUTIQUE ASSE site, must first request the authorization of ASSE PRODUCTS. In this case, it cannot be an implicit affiliation agreement. On the other hand, any hyperlink referring to the BOUTIQUE ASSE site and using in particular the technique of framing, deep-linking, in-line linking or any other deep link technique is in any case formally prohibited. In all cases, any link, even tacitly authorized, must be removed at the simple request of ASSE PRODUCTS.


The language of these general conditions of sale is French.